About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I wish, you wish, he wish, she wish, we wish... Everyone wishes that their dreams would become a reality. I wish for a game console, I wish I was smart, I wish I had her, I wish I had him, I wish my life would change... We all want the things we desire, love... but can you get those wishes? None of them is impossible, do something about it. You just need a glimmer of hope, a dash of luck, and a few million truckloads of hard work. Hope for it to come true, or it will never happen. Even if it is a 1 out of infinity chance, you still have that 1 luck on your side. Hard work comes along way, persevere and don't give up, it will increase your chances of getting what you have longed for. Even things like wanting a pair of angel wings is possible, Genetic Engineers could help you with that... A wish can simulate in your mind, and it's free. In reality, it's expensive, we have to find a possible path, from there then will get that wish. I longed for something, but the path is rocky and steep, and any point of time, I just might die...

My day wasn't that bad. Had Mathematics and Physics lessons. I got a B grade for Physics paper, both my Mathematics got C grades. Stayed in class for recess. The rest of the periods were time consuming. Then had the Sci-Humatics. Guo Sheng, Corey and I were station masters in the Mathematics activity room. Most of the times, we were on the computer. Then after that was done, went to the canteen to eat. When I reached home, I went to the condominium's gym. Exercise for about 40 minutes, then went home to take a bath and eat to my hearts content...

Drugs, when you start, you don't stop...

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