About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What You Understand Is Not What You Really Know

A dream occurred to me last night, about me running, running away from evil that I fear, fear of death. Even at the safety of my friends, I just ran. We all ran, but all I remembered is only me left surviving. If I had power, I would have fought, if I had the strength, I would have fought, but in that dream, I was nothing, I just ran. Ran and abandoned my friends. Running away from the horde of people within the chaos of the city. I thought they were after my group of friends only, until I saw the city at the centre of destruction. Buildings burning, corpses lying everywhere, total havoc.
As I was running through what seems like a school hall, I saw a spaceship and people being captured. I saw an iconic super villain cartoon character, Dr. Doom. He tried to zap me with his lightning, and somehow it did not hurt, and I continue running. At that point I knew it was a dream, but I wasn't fully aware as to control my 'fantasy'. As I exited the hall, I was cornered on both sides, and my only way out was to jump on to the roof of a shelter overcasting a paved route, or what was left of it. So I jumped, and I hurt myself in someway, rendering me unable to move.
Weirdly to say, Darth Maul from StarWars approached me, and told me 'it is the end', zapping me with his electrical powers. I found out earlier that I was resistance to electricity, so I pretend to to be hurt and played dead. Some how, rubble and corpses just stack on onto me, and everything became dark. I waited, and waited and waited for what it seemed like an eternity, and I decided to push everything aside.
And what I saw around me was an utopia. I couldn't believe my eyes. The air looked clean, there were flying cars, buildings were as shiny as a mirror which stood tall in the skies. It was the same place, just better.
Did what I fear do this? Was it just a dream within a dream?
And then I woke up.

This dream made me wonder, are humans made to be selfish? Made to protect their own lives only? I was told many times before not to be self centered, not to just think there is only me, and no other. I rectify myself of that long ago, but is it human nature to just run from something we think we can't defeat? That it will cost our lives trying? To sacrifice your friends just so you can live another day? My friend who told me that, is still self centered in his own way. Maybe it is human to be selfish, especially in that current situation, and it is difficult not to think it that way.
Sometimes what you fear might be something not as horrible as you imagine, but you never gave it a chance to do so, so you will never know, forever living in the same suspicion of what you comprehended from one's self-acclaimed assumptions.

Well that was from my dream. Another thing I want to bring about is me being serious. If you want to get a point straight into my thick skull, please show that you are serious in doing so, don't try to make jokes, I won't register that. You want to shot me in anyway possible, sure, but I take it that you are joking and not making a serious comment, because everyone shots me in general, and I take being shot at as a joke if the tone isn't right to begin with. If you love shooting me, especially Brandon, Kai Feng, Alvin and anyone else in general, don't expect me to take anything in, because I'm too used to being shot at. You want to shot me and get it in my head, show some seriousness, and don't laugh about it.

I Can Understand People's Personality, But Not Many Can Understand Mine.

Understanding Impracticality

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