Sometimes, you do things without thinking, its just suddenly, your 'heart', which can be termed as your sub-conscious wantings, just decide for you what to carry out before thinking that 'damn, that was a bad idea'. However, even through that time of impulse, before, during and/or after, give it some thought: Were you aware of what you did?
If you are now, what are you going to do to rectify it if it was a bad decision? And really, be aware of it as soon as possible, cause the longer you drag, people tend to assume.
And the next thing is about assumption. I have repeated this to myself and to other many, many times: Do not assume, it just make an ass out of you and me.
And it does, because at many of times, we assume things without giving it much thought about it, and why we don't give that much thought? Simple, because of once's selfishness. Would it be fair if I assume that Dick is going out with Henry without any proof or evidence to back you up? No, but you will think it that way because you think thats is not my problem. It will become your problem if you have no evidence and spread these things on impulse. Everyone does it, due do lack of self-awareness. To clear things up, ask directly from the source, or, do not assume at all if you have nothing to support yourself with.
And through all of these problems and politics, you calm down and think, maybe this will end soon, maybe solving this would not be a problem, and there kicks in the optimistic side of you. However much you want to be optimistic, prepare for the worst outcome as well, because of the endless possibilities that this world has to offer, whether bad or good, any bullshit can occur. Optimism can only last you that long, and at certain point, you might feel like giving up, as you see the current situation changing, and all that you felt happy for turns too tears. That is one option. Another option is to stay strong to that believe, hoping on what is possibly false hope, until it actually happens, or you hit rock bottom if it doesn't. The last option, stay optimistic, but be aware of the possibility it doesn't turn out the way you want it and forgo what was the past after learning from its mistakes.
Optimism, it gives you a slight sense of joy every now and then, but the outcome may kill you, in a both happy and sad manner.
And I just found out there is a cycle to all this. Impulse was due to Assumption. Through Assumption, comes Impulsiveness. Assumption leads to Optimism. If Optimistic you did not get what you want, that Impulse and Assumption returns.
All in all, the moral is to be self-aware of what you are doing, and why you are doing this. Is it the right thing or the wrong thing to do?
Well, I hoped she would have messaged back, and I got a feeling that what she said earlier on was an excuse to cover up what I already know. I want to get this clear once and for all, but not at such a shot period of time after getting to know her better, it would kill our friendship. If this is true, that you are doing this for the sake of making me feel happy, that is a foolish thing to do, and lying isn't going to help. But if it comes true from the heart then that good. I stay optimistic, hoping that is true. Yet I'm aware of the worst outcome possible. When I got to know you better, then I had a liking over you, and it wasn't at first sight: you have a nice personality, a nice smile, a caring and gentle girl, especially towards animals, whenever you get shot at you don't take it to heart and continue to joke along with others, and a nice companion to talk to about anything, if I and you can find the time to meet.
Yet, if the outcome was what I predicted to be that bad, that just spoil my image of you, but, I believe that all these qualities are inside you, but its just not portraying it to me.
However, I'm self-aware of my actions and limits now, but how about you, give it a thought.
Blogging isn't running away, but self-realization. through it I can understand my problems better, and from there know what to do, plus I make it open to the public so as to not hide anything, because one's secrets can kill an entire population mentally and emotionally, rather than killing a single person. If that one person understands, then I have met an individual who can think at or even better than my level of intellect.
I found out that usually in the first half of the year, that is where the most problems comes occur.
Understanding Y
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