About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Monday, January 19, 2009

A tsunami of thoughts is rushing towards my brain... Voicing it out it's the best opinion.

Yet... I'm at a blank now. Where to start? In the middle? We sometimes feel we stand in the middle. We don't know whether to go left, right, up or down. In between friends? To choose them? To side who? To leave one? We are always in this dilemma. We might think is easy at times, but that is totally wrong. We decide blindly. We choose without looking at the scenarios, without thinking of what will happen both now and then. When we think too much, we feel pressurise and continue to be caged up in the middle. By blindly deciding, you roll the dice, you take the chance, and the odds are extremely risky. You imagine the scenarios, estimate the probability, and can easily differentiate left from right. Staying in there too long is risky as well. Time does not wait for you, but flows with you. The longer you delay, the narrower the path gets, and once it disappears, you are stuck, lost, helpless. Think fast or it's over.

If you seen my post, or heard what a friend told me, you should know that 'What Has Happened Made You. Don't Regret. The Past Made The You Now'. What if, you were given a chance to restart? To go back to any point in time and to make you life for the better or worst? Think about it, you could have stop yourself from saying a certain sentence, or doing a certain behaviour which ruined your life. Everyone wants a do-over, so that they can get perfect results. Would you? Thinking of the scenarios happening in between is endless, anyone of them could happen, anything could happen. Is it possible to stop this process we call the butterfly effect? Is there away for everyone to win? No there isn't. It's forever a win-lose situation. We all want a restart where everyone stands victorious, but if you heard the saying 'Life Is Unfair', you will know why it will not happen. You think by rewinding time is going to help, think again. Start thinking fast and get ready for what's ahead of you.

I read, I listen, I lean. I see the misery, the torment, the sorrow. I want to help. I see, hear, feel all of it, I myself feel being pierced in the centre of my heart, feeling the pain for an eternity, until the problem is resolved. Some people says god made us, but why did he create suffering and misery in the world? I want to see the world smile. Yet I can only do so little. Before I can help, I have to take things very simple and straightforward. It limits me if you don't tell me how you feel or what you don't like about me. If you think having me around is something that will upset you, tell me. I want happiness from me and others. Seeing people happy makes me happy. I think I found my purpose in life, to create happiness and joy to the world around me. It hard for me to help people if they don't take things in a mature manner, especially girls. One wrong word and they might change their whole opinion of you, that's how sensitive they are. I hear everyone need feedback, yet no one is giving them, because everyone thinks its to afraid it will hurt each others feelings. If they all knew each others thoughts, they will find out how foolish it was. It seems like a endless cycle. Sometimes I want to help, but yet I can't. You, yourself have to help yourself as well.

It seems boring today... Monotonous as usual. I was sleepy and tired today, so I felt a bit grouchy.

Today's Choice Of Song: Signal Fire by Snow Patrol

Can I Help The World? I Hope I Could...

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