About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Thinking... Thinking... Nope not today.

Short and simple. Had breakfast at MacDonald's with Ryan and WZ. Mega Mac Griddles! Anyway, Gerald came and we headed for school. Learned how to pitch a tent. Alex was there, but went home to sleep soon after because he thought it was a waste of time. We finished and started fooling around. Went to find Alex house and got lost, I left my phone in my bag, so couldn't ask them. Saw Gerald and ask him for directions. Poor guy, he lost his wallet. Anyway couldn't borrow a bike because Alex was only allowed 2 for use, one is his and the other a spare. Since Gerald borrowed one, I left his house without one. So went back to school. Took a ride to a petrol kiosk to pump some air into the wheels of Gerald's borrowed bike, Ryan loan me his bike. Went back to school. Played my PSP while everyone was dismantling the tent, except Alex. Then went for lunch while Ryan went off. Played basketball, then Gerald left soon after. It was about to rain so I decided to head home. Sleep, eat, use the computer.

Today's Choice Of Song: Wine Red By The Hush Sound

The Usual... I Like 'Google Chrome', Go Find Out What It Is.

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