About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I love it when others post their thoughts and ideas on their blog like me. Reading them, simply, makes me feel happy. I understand how they feel. At times, it's heart warming, meaningful, partially true but at times it is totally wrong. Time is on my hands at the moment, so this might be a long post. My thoughts might just skip from one topic to another. You may want to skip the in between if you didn't feel like reading them.

Friends just come and go, but it's the memories that we cherish which makes us remember them. Sometimes, even your biggest rival can become your best friend. Like what Gerald and I once said, 'anything is possible'. Perfection is something not obtainable? It's still possible, but maybe we just have not figure out the solution to that yet. Our circle of friends are everywhere. My cousin and me think that our friends are all around us, even the strangers walking pass us everyday. Our world is linked, for example, you have a friend who know this person, and that person knows someone else, who knows another person, and so on and so forth. Along that path of friends, you are sure to know someone, ending up linking back to you.
Strangers are people we don't know, but they are indirectly our friends, the differences between friends and strangers is the communication and interaction. Making friends is an easy yet difficult task. That stranger can be your friend by just talking to him/her, but after awhile, the communication and interaction between the both of you stop, and he/she is forgotten, becoming just strangers again. When friends are gone, we feel sad. When a stranger leaves, nothing is felt between the both of you.Keep in contact so the bond we tighten or at least maintain.
Sometimes during that process we call friendship, facing challenges, obstacles and roadblocks are common. There are commonly known as the 'Test of Friendship'. This tests are dangerous. A wrong move, action or speech, and it can result in the loss of a friend.
What are this challenges, obstacles and roadblocks I'm talking about? The constant hate for someone, the misunderstanding of others, the ignorance of one, the criticism by others, all the bad things you can think off. It both shows the good and bad side of you. At times, you are stuck between. You could side that friend, but could be hurting some other friend in that process. It's possible to have a win-win, than lose-win. Always try to avoid the lose-lose. Everyone has a choice, but it up to which that decides the future.
Hate sometimes worsen that situation. Your anger, sometimes uncontrollable, will make others not just between the two parties, to go against you, creating the lose-lose situation. Thanks to a friend, I found out that the feeling of anger and hatred is childish. It as well, is a total waste of time and effort. Why? By using all the time spent hating and think about that hate, you could have many things meaningful. Throwing a tantrum will not get you anywhere. It's deemed better to ignore than to hate. If you heard and understood the phrase 'Ignorance is bliss', you will know what I mean. If not, look it up on the Internet.
Envy turns to Hate. Hate turns to Revenge. Revenge turns to Destruction. Destruction results in a Lost. The Lost results in Regret. To me, that's how it turns out. Never reach Regret. If you have a life without regrets, your happy will last till your grave, or maybe ever after that. A quote from a friend, 'What Has Happened Made You. Don't Regret. The Past Made The You Now'.
Saying 'Please' and 'Thank You' is something everyone have to do, especially the 'Thank You'. When someones helps you, say 'Thanks' is to show appreciation of one's kindness, and recognition of one's self. This part is for those people who don't understand why we say 'Thank You'. Thanks too all who inspired my to type this long post. To all my friends who were always there for me and to the people around the world. Also to my ancestors who created letters, words and numbers and also for giving birth to my fathers and fore-fathers and so on. Thank you Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan for launching Blogger. Thank you Bill Gates for Windows(although Vista Sucked). Thank you to the people who came out with ideas which resulted in the creation of the computer. Many Thank you to the universe for just being there, and last but not least, to the Buddha and god and to whoever is in that sky way above from planet Earth.

This is where I end this post... Wrong, I still have the last 2 days of my life to post about, so be patient.

So what did I do on Saturday? Woke up about 7:50am. Took the 9:30am shuttle bus to Hougang Mall. I though I was meeting Darren and Nigel there, but there were at Hougang Point. They were taking 74 to Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Open House, so I took 74 from the interchange and meet with them when the bus reached thier stop. Once at Ngee Ann, we alighted and found Jeremy hiding behind a potted plant. So we toured the area. Saw Nigel's scout leader, Victor. We did some activities, and see some of the CCAs there. I can do acrchery! My arrow barely went into the bull-eye. We also played Wii Tennis. Went to buy some stuff with the voucher I received from a lucky draw. Visited the library there. Saw some channel 8 celebrities, and went to look at the courses available. Saw some people from Hougang Secondary there. Headed for the 'Makan Place' to eat. Went to look at more cources and soon we had to depart. Headed for the blocks near Hougang Point. Sang songs and talked with Joyce, Alex, WZ and Ryan. Ryan left soon after. Then after about half to 1 an a half hours, we too departed for home.

Today went to tuition, had lunch and headed to Hougang Point to study. after about over an hour, we started fooling around. I forgot to mention that Joyce, Javen and SinLee were there. Joyce younger cousin was there too. We then went to the near-by playground. The girls used me and Joyce's cousin ans an amusment... Anyway, Joyce left along with her cousin, while Javen, SinLee and me walked to our bus stop. Javen left and The two of us went to Hougang Mall. Once we alighted, I went to top-up my Ez-Link card, while SinLee went to buy her stuff, we departed from there. Came back and went to sleep.

That was a long post, about 3 hours or so. Anyway here is the end of the post.

I Love You All

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