About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I over think, I over imagine. I talk too much, I regret too much. I try to help as much, I try to learn as much. Should I stop over exceeding my capacity of what I been doing and just lay low? Relax? Now, during secondary 4, it's easier to break down and break out. Anything in excess is bad, but yet I'm exceeding satisfactory point. It could be too much, which could result in irritation, or just a headache. If I relax, it also might be just too much to handle, and may go below satisfactory point, occurring laziness or just being a loner.
Studies, friends, play, time, tests, examinations, girls, exercise, CCA... Balancing all that on my back till the end of the year? I might fall, hurt myself and break everything. All will be spoilt. I want to walk on flat ground, not on a plank. A wrong move and down you fall. Still, you have to stand up, pick up the broken objects, fix them and continue till the end of that road. Although, it feels better before than after the fall, it always does. And how you wish that mistake, action or sentence wasn't made? Too much of one might just create that fall, and it has to be equal, somehow.
Everything with a word 'too' is mostly bad, and seldom good. It's excessive. Everyone, especially me, needs to find their/my satisfactory point, and balance their/my necessities and cravings. Think it's easy, think again. It's Secondary 4, it's totally different.

For those who think the above is 'chim', try reading more. for those who understand, ask yourself whether this is total crap, or the actual fact. Nothing interesting happen today. Lessons and NCC, and after NCC, headed for MacDonald's. Found out an interesting fact:
If lessons were carried out in CLASS, I will listen. Anywhere else, only half of what the teacher thought will be stored in memory.

The Headaches And Sleepiness Is Getting The Better Of Me. Too Much Thoughts And Feelings Are Running Through Me. It's Just Too Much, And It Feels Horrible...

Something to add -> I love the songs on my friends blogs, there is so much feelings in it, it's good.

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