About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Sunday, January 25, 2009

An Apple, it is something versatile. Actually, everything is versatile. Everything can be link to anything. It's all connected. The subjects taken in schools, Junior College, Polytechnics, Universities and places of higher learning helps us find this links.
From the word 'APPLE', what is the first thing that comes to our mind? The colour Red? It being A Fruit? It came from An Apple Tree? Newton's Law of Gravity? The Adam's Apple? Mr 'Apple' Chong?
From all this, we can link it to something else. Example, Red is a Primary Colour; The Formula for Newton's Law Of Gravity is F=(m1*m2)/r²; Mr 'Apple' Chong once acted as A Mermaid, and so on and so forth till it reaches back to the same thing, an apple.
The universe is linked. No it's not bugged, no hacking involved, it's just linked. But if you go in deeper, it is just like your reunion dinner, throwing everything(both Matter and Non-Matter) into the steamboat(the Universe). I can actually be just soup, a mixture. But humans want it simple, and made it into 'Internet Explorer', like a web.
Humans made 1+1=2, because majority[exactly(estimated Numbers) 99.999999999999999% of Earth's population thinks that way] of the people decided that 1+1=2. If we went back in time and said that 1+1=3, then there will be extreme changes. Humans are so adapted to this simple equation, just but simply turning the switch, havoc arises. Humans made all this to their liking, and the majority fellow. Small changes we can adapt, big ones are dangerous.
In the end, simply put it, anything means everything, many things can be only something, while only something can mean many things, nothing means many things, only something, everything, anything or just nothing. It's all linked. Get the picture?

Well Chinese New Year is less than 30 minutes away. Downloaded some PSP games. Had some exercise this afternoon and a hearty reunion dinner with my parents, uncle and grandma. It's sad that my sister did not join us, anyway good luck studying in San Diego, Happy Chinese New Year, we all missed your presence. Watch 'Kung-Fu Hustle' on Channel U. Blogging now.

Today's Choice Of Song: 中国话 By S.H.E

A quote from Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core "Men Cry Not For Themselves, But For Their Comrades."

Wait Another 12 Minutes For The Next Post.

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