About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lets see what should I post today... First off, my friend's display picture looks hot. Second, Ryan thinks he messages are working. Third, my friend appreciates my blog! Thank you... Fourth, I finally got my class-tee! Nice design. Fifth, I had school today and I appreciated the lessons today. I actually listened to all the lessons today, I rock, HAHA. Studied with friends as well, and there was progress! Wohoo! I found out that 93 cents of interest over 1000 years will accumulate up to 4.3 billion dollars! And that is what I found out during Mr Woo's lesson. Was watching 'Futurama' (not sure if the spelling is right). Finished watching 'August Rush'. I love the music!

Love, hearts and red roses. Red roses Symbolizes love. Heart shape pictures and objects also have the same symbolic meaning. Most things red have that exact meaning as well... Love has categories. True love, Puppy love, One-Time love, Family love and anything else you can think off.

True love is the deepest love you can ever get, the warmth that can turn you into butter, the feeling which makes you feel as light as a feather, the deepest passion of romance that you can ever imagine, the person that will stay with you for a lifetime, the kiss that will forever be memorable. That is what it means to me.

Puppy love is something that happens in our youth, especially from age 7-16. It can't be avoided because the power is too great. You get absorbed into it as fast as the speed of light. There are a few cures for it, rejection and the lost of interest. But the effects last from 1week-a few months, depending on the type of personality he/she has. Puppy love is strong, but not as strong as true love. It's something that we are aware of, but we do not know the difference between them. That's why this can deeply hurt someone. It is highly impossible to maintain puppy love, but there is a extremely small percentage of people who can mature it to true love. It's highly impossible, but still possible. And remember, have a short attention-span like me, should not get involve in this.

One-Time love has something to do with Puppy love. It involves having a short attention-span. Usually, this are relationships that last from a week to a month, and then on to another relationship, and so on and so forth. Whoever is being dump, could really affect his/her self-esteem, and that could happen every few week. So this is one of the worst.

Family love is the love that you receive from your family. No matter what family: real family, made-up family or distant family, you still can feel the love around you, just at a different wavelength.

There are still plenty of categories like love at First Sight, love is Blind, love Sick and much more. These are mine definitions, but love is up to your imagination, it has no definite meaning. This whole thing might not be true to you, but might be for others.

No matter how bad a leader you are, if someone leads, the rest will follow.

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