About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

School Is Becoming More Of A Prison.
'They' are striping everything from privacy, to tradition, and to things that are important to oneself. 'They' are thinking of putting 'eyes' at every corner, and hiring someone to 'tear' off the millions and billions of black lines. I don't approve some of them. 'They' are just trying to find the bad ones and torture them, but by doing so, affects the good ones as well. 'They' think of only the school and its pride, but not the people that makes the school stand on its four columns, or more.
Must everyone be pulled down for just that minority? 'They' want the students to be good, but will it? Can everyone be good? Be perfect? It's a school, 'They' can't change the fact that there will be the good, smart, bad and ugly. Everywhere, there is a percentage of each, even in the top schools. Judgment, something 'They' did not learn from Ian.
Enjoyment is cut due to cost, just to improve security measures. To tell you the truth, it is a waste of your time and money. Taking away the special moments, and cutting them into half. Some might not bother, but you are spoiling school life of everyone. If 'They' thought their school life was bad, improve it here and not make everyone feel worst. 'They' are just dragging down everyone in to the void. Some might suffer cuts and grazes since it is their last year, some will just have to suffer its full wraith for few more odd years.
Yet, I heard it from sources of others. If it happens, some of us will be trapped in these four walls, while others will be stuck in solitary confinement, as the wardens sip their coffee in there personal lounge.
Prison might come soon, so hide your escape equipment somewhere where the 'eyes' can't see.

I wanted to talk about something else, but I shall leave that of next time, plus I could not remember some of the details for that thought.

Physics SPA, failure. Such a major mistake, that's why I'm against myself now. All was correctly measured, problem is I mistook something and something, and that's where it went wrong. Right but in the wrong way. NCC after school, Part A's taking and learning how to put on their uniforms. Part B's Arm Drills and Part C's were training for Specialist Course. After NCC, pre-dinner snack. Gerald, Ryan and I were talking about stuff and the might soon-to-be prison.

Today's Choice Of Song: Welcome To My Life By Simple Plan

Loving Something Is Dangerous At Certain Occasions.

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