About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I just found out QWERTY is a type of keyboard, same to QWERTZ, and AZERTY as well.

It seems I'm not thinking as much as previous millenniums. I thought of a few reasons why:

1- The illness I had got to my head and is mutating my brain.
2- That's everything I can think of in my life, although I know there is more, I think.
3- I have nothing in that skull of mine now.
4- I'm not looking wide at the big picture of the world, maybe it's time for a trip to the art museum.

You Make Your Own Destiny

Breaking News,I have homework that I'm not doing and I'm currently now in FSD competition, and I feel that no *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*.

^Due To Technical Difficulties, Today's News Will Be Cancel And Brought Over To Some Other Time Whenever We Feel Like It. Instead, We Will Be Replaying The Commercial From Our Sponsors Till The Time Slot For The Daily News Is Over. We Are Sorry For The Inconvenience Caused, Thanks And Have A Pleasant Day^

Do You Have Friends? Do You Sometimes Feel Bored With Them? Why Not Come Down To KFC! Where The Fun And Laughter Never Stops, And Chickens Too! You Can Do A Bundle Of Things There Like Eating; Drinking; Talking; Ordering Food; Washing Your Hands; Wave At Little Kids Who Wave Back At You; Crack Jokes On Firemen; Discuss Global Warming; Talk About Man And Their Existence; Sitting Down; Or Just Plain Nothing! So What Are You Still Doing Staring At That TV Screen? Head On Over To KFC! Yes KFC!

Chickens have been genetically modified. Eating it could result in a faster rate of death, coughing, sore-throats, high cholesterol, headaches, possible lost of at least one of your 5 senses, hallucination of aliens sitting next to you everywhere you go, getting your leg stuck in the toilet while being half-naked, bird-flu, being severely drunk and being brainwash. Suing us is futile as we already inform the government about these chickens and their side-effects, but they did not stop us and continued eating the chickens, commenting that it was 'Finger-Lickin Good', which resulted in our slogan. Straying from the point, we warn you take the chickens at your own risk. At this point of the commercial, you will be too brainwash to bother about the genetically modified chickens and their side-effects as the subliminal messages has already been implanted in your brain, only telling you to spend your money on KFC. Again, we warn you: EAT THE CHICKENS AT YOUR OWN RISK! That is all.

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