About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm missing everything already... Sadly, everything has to leave us, and it was made possible. We just have to prepare for departure, separation, removal, disappearance, destruction or just plain gone. Sometimes it means nothing when it leaves, sometimes it means so much that you could die to sense it again. But nothing last forever, dwelling in the past too much can cause a person to haywire, go insane and many other side-effects that I can think off, but think there is no need to list. Stay present, keep moving forward, and be aware and prepared for what the future has installed for you.

Fun. That is a simple word to express the day. Great times, great jokes, great memories.
I was prepared to leave tuition. I left on time, and met up with Guo at Hougang MRT Station. I was walking as fast as possible to the MRT Station, I saw 113, and began and mad dash towards the bus. Soon after, we reached Vivo and waited for JL and Jeremy. Jeremy arrived ahead of JL. Now we had to wait for YuLing at the Station entrance. While waiting, we started cracking jokes and played Bleach™ to kill time. After a period of time, she arrived. Along the way, we met up with Gina, JiaHui, FengZhu and Lena. Went Shopping for foodstuffs. I was playing DJmax™ while the shopping occurred. More jokes and laughter. After the food was paid for, we met up with Deborah and Constance.
Took a LRT-shaped train to Sentosa. We were still talking bullshit as we ventured. At the station, we came down and decided to take a tram to Siloso Beach. We guys further decided that walking was faster. After awhile, the girls followed as well. Arrived and made our picnic-site. Started munching down on the food we bought. Crap more as well, something about underwear, survival training, how Guo will go berserk if there were sand in his shoe and how JL and Jeremy were going to make it happen. Humour was in the air.
Nicolas, Matthew and Company(Jody, Daryl, Archer) arrived after that. They went half naked and had a dip in the sea. We started playing some games, the girls were willing to do the forfeit when they lost, but JL and Guo refused. Anyway we wondered around the beach, and Sand-Wars started. I was enjoying the action. Kane, XiangJing and BoLun joined in with us soon. Nicolas ask me if I wanted to play Rugby with them, since they were short of a player. So I was in Nicolas team, along with Jody and Archer. Matthew, Daryl, XiangJing and Kane were on the other team. We own them in Rugby. Half-time, and they had a dip in the sea. Folded up my jeans and walked around in the water.
Found out that Mdm Tan, Pam, Priscilla and Vanessa were around. Next half, we still won. Then Soccer, which we lost by 1 to 2 goals. After that watched more action as I walked around near shore while the Jeremy, Jl and Guo started Water-Wars with Lena, JiaHui, Pam, FengZhu and Priscilla. I wasn't involved till Priscilla back-stab me. Had my payback. I started friendly-fire, and somehow, Jeremy and Guo exchanged fire too. We went to relax. Jeremy and Guo were then stuck in a 1-on-1 fighting game. JL was using Jeremy, and BoLun was using Guo. Turns out that Jeremy lost, because he was too pussy.
Anyway, Vanessa started requesting for people to help make sandcastles with her. Turns out I was the one helping her. So we started making it out of plastic cups. After awhile, she poured sand on my head because my sandcastles were better than hers. In the end, we dug a hole in the sand. Lena wanted to pour water at me because she thought I splashed water at her. I did not, but she kept thinking that it was me who did it. Turns out I didn't and wasn't splashed at and by her.
We headed for Vivo to have dinner. Steamboat buffet was on the menu. Met Jo'di, Janner and Jolene on the way to dinner, and Edna, then Joel at dinner. Laughed even more there, Jeremy got burned by hot soup because of Guo, he failed to crack the eggs and all the insides dripped onto the table, we drank hot and spicy soup and it stung our tongues till it went numb. YuLing laughed at all I mentioned. We had other jokes, like eating Jeremy's 'hair' which was made of seaweed.
Everyone was happily eating, it was an enjoyable moment. Me and JL walked around the mall since he felt very bloated. Looked around in Challenger™, and went back after that. Wrote our good-bye messages to Mdm Tan, because she is leaving school next year, and won't be our form teacher anymore, and gave it to her in a card. Nicolas and Company left, we walked around and took pictures with everyone, even at the buffet.
Departed outside Disio™(I think that how to spell it) with a few photo taken there. Left Edna, Jolene, Pam, Jo'di, YuLing, BoLun, JL, Jeremy, Guo, Mdm Tan and me. Took a few pictures and off we went for home. YuLing and BoLun followed us 4 to the MRT Station, while Mdm Tan went off, and the rest went to look at candy. YuLing and BoLun did not board the same MRT with us though. Jeremy tooked a bus home I think, JL alighted at OutrumPark, while me and Guo played GundamSeed™ all the way to Hougang. He made a mad dash to 165 and boarded the bus home. I waited for 112. Bathed, replied tags, tagged a few people, went on facebook, had a chat with my cousin online, started blogging.

I love lots of things:
Japanese Movies and Shows-> They make the small, large.
Friends-> Read the above
Family-> Always there when needed
The World-> It so facinating
Granado Espada(GE)-> Great MMORPG
The Acer's Predator™-> Liquid cooling, 2 graphics cards and its orange!
SuperPowers-> Who wouldn't?
Food-> Really, who wouldn't?
QWERZ-> The name I created
Etc.-> Makes me stop saying more

I love all of you people out there! I wish I could know everyone!

The Future? It's Scary, So Be Prepared.
(Yet Again I Am Cheating Time-> 11:59PM 12/9/08 which should be 1:25AM 12/10/08)

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