About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Monday, December 22, 2008

Am I mature? I'm asking myself that question... What do you guys and girls out there think? I might not look mature, but am I behaving that way? I wish to know... Somehow, I felt little more mature after all the camps I participated during the school holidays, and it made me thinking(yet again) 'in what way do I feel mature?' What do you guys think about being mature? Is something needed to show that you are mature? Or is there a ritual to being a man/woman? Will it just come by itself? Or do you have to search for maturity? Can anyone answer this questions? Or is it for me to answer? I sometimes think that the mind is playing a game with me. Giving me riddles and asking me to solve them. Is there an answer? I gave it a thought, and found out this:
If you THINK that it is the road to maturity, so be it.

Many people have different opinions on how to be 'grown-up'. If it is something positive and acceptable to the society, I consider that as 'moving a step closer upon being a man/woman'. Like I said, if you think being childish is the path to maturity, so be it. It could be a ritual to them, or might be retarded to others. The mind will never stay the same. It undergoes changes resulting to your maturity, and it depends on your mindset whether to speed up or slow it down the process. No matter how long it takes, maturity will set in.

In my case, I there is a way to speed up maturity, but you have to put it to use, continue practicing, make it a habit and become a way of life. This are the few points:

1)Show Yourself, Make Friends- Let people know that you are around. Be acknowledge. It will give you a good feeling when you are acknowledge. Don't hide in that dark corner alone, avoidance will stir misunderstandings and create avoidance from others as well. Friends can help guide and spot out your mistakes when something wrong is done, that's why you need them.

2)Sharing Helps- Share with others your thoughts and feelings, it will make you feel better by letting the mountain you have been carrying slide off your back. Carry no worries and it will be easier for you to move, to think and to listen. Your mind will be clear.

3)Open, But Not All The Way- Be open to suggestions and feedback. You can learn from your mistakes, and how not to repeat it and how to improve on it. You, yourself can be open as well. Just be careful not to go overboard, it might hurt his/her feelings, unless you know that he/she can accept that fact. You also have to remember when is the right time to open up as well.

4)Please And Thank You- Be polite, mind your manners. Try to be polite around your friends, family, and everyone around you. When asking for something say 'please', and upon receiving it, say 'thank you'. Wait when everyone is at the table, then you start eating, and remember to acknowledge people around you, don't ignore them.

5)Lead And They Will Follow- Step up when you have the chance, take lead and bring the colony to freedom. If can do that, great job. If you are not the one leading, no problem. A great leader has to lead their strong warriors out to battle, and he needs your help to win that battle, so help him whenever possible.

6)Speak When You Know- Speaking the right things at the right time. This is important, this prevents conflict and misunderstandings. Do not speak when it's not your time to speak, it is consider being impolite. Remember to think through before saying anything.

7)Understand To Love Yourself- Understand yourself, it is one of the most important things you have to know. Try to figure out what you look like, how you talk, what you think and from there, you can change and find love in you. If you don't know anything about yourself, ask your friends or family, just be prepared what they are about to say.

8)Love For Others- Simply put it: To love others, you have to love yourself.

It is quite a brief list of things I thought about maturity. If I wrote the full story, it would be morning already. I'm say this yet again, this is my opinion about maturity, it could be right for some people, it could be wrong for others. It up to you to decide.

Today was simply boring. Had tuition for Physics, then Chemistry, where Shermin joined the class. Went to KFC with her for lunch. She left for Biology, while I went to the toilet, then home. Had a Webcam chat with Ryan. Played a bit of DOTA, blog and chatted with Joyce, my cousin's friend, my cousins.

Words Are Simple, Actions Are Difficult

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