About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Friday, December 19, 2008

I accepted my official Nickname: Titiny Qwerz™

I have been away from home for 7 days... But it was worth it. I love the camp, I love my friends, I love everything now... I think. I was a really great impact on me, I have changed since this past 7 days away from home.

Everything comes to an end.
I harvest the fruits of my labour, which was lemons, and then made lemonade.
Life is a bitch, so don't let that the bitch overpower you, instead, give them the lemonade you made.
Titiny is quiet and think too much when it is nighttime, this is the exact opposite in the morning. Proven by Dr Qwerz™ from the University of Mind Development.
Friends, they are hard to find these days, but not impossible.

The grouping wasn't really what I had in mind, I would have preferred to go into Two Piece, but after the days we spent together as a team, and not to mention Best Cheer Award, Feelings for this group has tighten... And I'm missing them every minute of it. The Ice-Breakers were not enough for me to remember everyone names, sorry guys and gals. I love have themes for the camp, but with the big group of friends, it was difficult to complete our task on time.

Official Jack Jack Cheer

Jack Jack are you ready?
(Ready! Steady! Bom-Pi-Pi!)
Who's in the house?
(Say J-A-C-K!)
Who's in the house?
(Say J-A-C-K!)
Who's in the house?
(Say J-Aaaa-C-K! Say J-Aaaa-C-K!)
We Like To Move It Move!
We Like To Move It Move!
We Like To Move It Move!
We Like To Move It Move!
We Like To Move It Move!
We Like To Move It Move!

Jack Jack ka-la-la-la!
Jack Jack ka-la-la-la!
Jack Jack has his pacifier, say Suck! Suck! Suck It Up!
Jack Jack Likes To Suck It UP!
Jack Jack has his superpowers, say Flame! Flame! Flame It Up!
Jack Jack Likes To Flame It UP!
Jack Jack has his milk bottle, say Drink! Drink! Drink It Up!
Jack Jack Likes To Drink It UP!
Jack Jack Likes To Suck It UP! Flame It UP! Drink It UP!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... JACK JACK!

I love the games and the cheering! It's so fun and exciting! Especially The night mission! I received friendly fire on my way back... WTF! The talks were interesting, and the campfire rocks my socks off! I love you JACK JACK! I love everyone! The best camp I had so far!

Chalet was a hell of a night to remember! BBQ and drunkards! Truth and Dare! Escape! I miss everything, but everything comes to and end. I will miss that feeling...

Great job... Now let's began...

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