About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Confused: Unsung or Fame

Who wouldn't want it? Popularity? Fame? Attention? Who doesn't want it? Appreciation? Recognition? Acceptance? We all say we don't, we tell them there isn't a need for it. But, within us, we want it. It's a simple form of reverse psychology. No matter how much you force yourself saying, you no need help, you no need this, you no need that, inside you, there is a small bit which says 'it's not true, I want it'. 

For a person like me, yes, I feel that way at times, like when I say there is no need for this, there is no need for that, I don't mean it, but it I only feel that way if they ask 'you need it?'. If they keep their mouth shut, I feel, what is the point for them to show attention, to recognize me, to appreciate what I have done? And a scenario like this, makes me think: Screw popularity, screw attention, screw recognition, screw appreciation, as long as I'm doing things right, as long as I'm doing things I like, doing things not against my morals, then I no need all of it, because what I'm doing, it makes me happy. 

In the situation however, when they ask, I feel that they want me, need me, appreciate me. And then, I'll pull the 'Nah, it's ok, I don't need it', so I can feel more appreciation. Sounds kinda dumb, I know, but if I can get more, then why not?

And it is because of these two conflicting scenarios, at times, I don't know if I want popularity, fame, attention, appreciation, recognition, acceptance, at times I like being an unsung hero, someone that gets the job done, and nothing more that it being another day, being it simple, nothing complicated. And at times, I want people to listen to me, to hear me out, where maybe I can do something more, when they need me, want me there. 

And as how I deal my problems, I figure them out myself, usually. It's easy at times, but sometimes, it takes someone to inspire, to help me. I wonder if I can find that someone. 

Wondering Preferences 

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