About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Last Post Was My 300 Post. This Shall Be 301.

Airline Manager Just Gets Better And Better.
And When I Have To Wait, Mafia Wars, Quiztastic! and Poker Rivals Really Feels Up That Gap.
If Not, IGN's Reviews And Youtube Videos May Work.

Phrases Just Amazes Me.

I'm Waiting For My Computer All Day Long... Wait Scratch That... Waiting For My Pay To Come... Both.

Desire Is The Fall Of Many.

We Control, But As Rocks Erode, Many Revert Back To The Old Ways, Some Converted That Control Into Habit.

It Seems M18 Activities Are Moving Down To PG13.

Copenhagen Failed.

I Need... I Crave... I Lust... I Want... I Desire... I Seek.

It's A Secret? I Say Nothing.
It's About Me? Say Whatever.
Secrets Keeps You Chained, Always.
Reveal The Truth To Break Free.
It's Sounds That Easy.
Yet Why Are We Still Clinging To It?

Two days ago, which was a Saturday, went out with Marcus in the morning for a jog around Hougang Stadium. We went there and waited for about half an hour for the rain to stop. Talked about stuff. We were slightly afraid that our stuff would be stolen, so we brought it to the opened sheltered seating on the opposite side of the stadium. Placing it there means if anyone steals it, there is only one why they can run, so we will know if we get robbed. Jogged 2.4km around the stadium. We rested and took off to the gym. Exercise there for awhile. Went to Hougang Mall to eat with Ryan at PastaMaina. Ryan was going to be late, so we decided to venture around Hougang Mall. Marcus eyes were extremely red, so he bought some EyeMo. Marcus went off first, so me and Ryan walked around Hougang Mall. Chatted with Ryan about many things. Went home after that, and Internet-ed the whole day.
Yesterday, Shopped with my mum and dad for clothes for me and my cousins for Christmas.

I Miss Something.

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