About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Consciousness: Knock, Knock.

Myself: Who Is There?

Consciousness: It's me you idiot.

Myself: Oh Hi.

Consciousness: So?

Myself: So what?

Consciousness: So how has your life been?

Myself: Pretty much the same.

Consciousness: That's too brief. Explain more.

Myself: Well... NCC yesterday, homework, thinking everyday blah blah blah.

Consciousness: OK... So any problems lately?

Myself: A whole lot, or that what I think.

Consciousness: Really? So what's bugging you?

Myself: You :)

Consciousness: I don't mean now.

Myself: Well, lets start off with the abundance of things during the holidays.

Consciousness: How much is abundant?

Myself: Reading and studying almost 24/7.

Consciousness: Well the exams are approaching, this is common.

Myself: I wanted to have fun during the school holidays and concentrate in Term 2, yet I have to go back to school to study?

Consciousness: Why after the holidays? Why not now?

Myself: Because after the holidays, revisions starts.

Consciousness: Oh... I see, anything else.

Myself: It pains me seeing friends upset or angry.

Consciousness: I feel the same.

Myself: Cause you are me.

Consciousness: True.

Myself: So how can I help them?

Consciousness: Just talk and listen to them, it's that easy! Or through MSN or something.

Myself: But how would I know they bother what I telling them?

Consciousness: They should, if not, they won't have a situation.

Myself: But what if they think I was saying bullshit?

Consciousness: It's their lost. You give support, whether or not they listen is up to them choose, even if it leads to their downfall.

Myself: And success?

Consciousness: Yup.

Myself: So what can you tell me about relationships?

Consciousness: Well that is for you to figure out yourself.

Myself: You mean together?

Consciousness: Ya, together. You have The Book, learn from it.

Myself: What Book?

Consciousness: You know that blue book?

Myself: Oh, you mean Peter's book.

Consciousness: Yup, you can learn lots from it about life.

Myself: I think I reading it a bit too slow.

Consciousness: It's fine, take your time to understand, plus you have that USSR thing right?

Myself: Russia?

Consciousness: No the reading thing you will be doing every morning. (geezzz, he's really an idiot)

Myself: Dude I heard that.

Consciousness: Heard what?

Myself: You calling me an idiot.

Consciousness: No I did not! (How did he know?)

Myself: I know because whatever you think, I think.

Consciousness: Really? (hello?)

Myself: Hi.

Consciousness: OK you are invading my personal space.

Myself: So are you.

Consciousness: When? When did I ever ready your mind?

Myself: (Now you are. You always were)

Consciousness: Oh, my bad.

Myself: Idiot.

Consciousness: Stop calling yourself an idiot

Myself: I'm calling both of us an idiot, since you're me and I'm you.

Consciousness: OK... We should stop insulting one another.

Myself: agreed

Consciousness: So what now?

Myself: Sleep, duh.

Consciousness: Meet you in a dream?

Myself: If we ever think of any.

Both: Sax.

---End Of Conversation---

Well, usual day, except for change of lessons and USSR.

Today's Choice Of Song: The Man Who Can't Be Moved By The Script

Remember That Rejection Is Part Of Your Everyday Life- Learned From Peter Lau's Autobiography.

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