About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Friday, May 20, 2011

Busy Bees Buzzing

I finally found the time to blog again! Yay!

Well, life has been, difficult lately. Been busy with projects, friends, homework, CCAs. It's kinda getting a little hectic. No time to play any computer games, the cruelty. The best part is, common test is just two week away. Great.

Well in other news, Transfer Processes: Heat And Mass, or TPHM for short, has cause me much trouble in my studying, cause that is my weakest module of all, and I dislike the way my teacher teaches. So I got to suck up and work on my own.

Anyway, many things has happen, many thoughts ran through my mind, but none actually bother to say there for a few more weeks, so I got nothing more to say here.Just decided to post something for April, because my next post might be due in June.

Some inspiring and no-so inspiring stuff on my Facebook wall:

When you sleep in a lecture and wake up, you tell yourself to listen, then you fall asleep again and again, till your friend whacks you in the head and say 'pay attention! don't sleep!' And will keep doing that till you stay awake. 
Reminders: You frequently need them from being a hypocrite, and it usually comes from friends and family. 

Put your boxing gloves on and don't take it off, it may stink, but it helps fight through your problems. 
Persevere: Enduring through hardships makes you stronger 

Yes, you can be emotionally attached to something, bad or good, but remember this: all things/everything are never permanent. It's born, it grows, its tragedy, it dies. Even your own feelings work that way. You can be emotionally attached to something, but always be prepared to face reality, for you will never know when it disappear. 
Impermanence: cause nothing is forever 

We can't change everyone, but we can start from ourselves. If others don't realize we are trying, we let them harp all they can, because as long you know it is the right thing, change will come soon. 

How do yo feel when someone helps you in a problem? Happy and grateful I believe?
When you are helping someone, feel the same way, happy and grateful, because you show compassion and loving kindness.
No matter how frustrated you are when people feel you are incapable or has no need to help, not showing any sense of gratitude and happiness whatsoever, remember this: The fruits of your labour will arrive, eventually. 

Singapore has become a giant sauna. On the bright side, people can stop complaining on losing weight 

Sundays makes me feel below average

Well I guess thats about all. I'm going offline now, don't miss me 

'I See The Way You Go And Say You're Right Again, Say You're Right Again, Heed My Lecture' 

Undecided Faith

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