About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Monday, November 8, 2010

Well, it's been 1, no, 2 weeks since I posted a post.
All has been well. If you notice, the start of each word is not capitalised, yet.
Well, Now It Is.
However, Capitalizing Will Be Done Later, Now To mellow down.
During these 2 weeks, much has happened. But if I have to rewind now, I can remember parts of it only. Friends bitching about people here and there, and then putting on an act when they are around, or totally ignoring them. Many meet up with the people from LSCT Society, usually around the orange seats near E-Mart. LSCT training. Remember having dinner at VivoCity with Qiai, Dom, Alvin, Weiler, Kaifeng, Yumni, Brandon and Daneal at Banquet, but instead Alvin and me took a detour to Superdog instead, then we were suppose to have a HTHT session at the open area on the 3rd floor, which instead turned out to be a GLGT session.
And about GLGT session, although I receive 'scratches' from one to the other, its a good thing that I can withstand the 'attacks' and 'blows' from you guys, with the shield that grands me power, I call it *takes a deep breath*:
'Accepting Negative Feedback Because I'm Open And Not Falling Into A State Of Depression, Which Could Have Resulted Myself In Become The Things That Sprout From The Mouths Of Frank, And Allows Me To Prove Them Wrong And Change, Yet The Side Effect Is Laziness, If You Know What I Mean', or in short, ANFBIOANFISD WCHRMBTTSFTMF AAMPTWAC YSEIS IYKWIM.
Hmm... Maybe I'll just call it 'shield'.
Maybe if they targeted anyone else to use as a way to socialise, that guy may have suffered, badly.
Being aware out loud for the win.
Anyway, that was on a single day, still remembered having S&S practice, fencing training, no tutorials, birthday celebrations, some pool, and Friday, where, I think, I went home early on the first week. Well, had two awesome Halloween parties, on a Saturday, and the other on a Sunday. Saturday was with the SBM crew, and I wore as a Cowboy. Sunday was awesome party with, well, drinking. I drank one of the most I think, but I was high, I do say.
And last week, well, nothing much, boring lessons, practicals, fencing, and a outing on Friday. Went to Dhoby Ghout to play. But wasn't planned well, so we just roam the arcade, heading off to LAN with Alvin, Isaac, Brandon, Royston. Went to catch a movie with my fencing buddies, it was Magamind. And then went to collect my Ez-Link card because I forgot to take it from the person mending the LAN shop. Had to go all the way to Marina Square to meet Brandon to collect it. I also played LAN with Nigel, Jeremy and JL on Monday.
Well Saturday was awesome, LAN, boardgames and a dance contest to watch, but at a cost.
Anyway, that was most of the stuff I remember... OH! I saw a middle-aged guy peeing at the bus stop close to midnight, and a girl staring an array of condoms at 7-Eleven on another night! Never expected a girl to look a condoms that much, or a a guy to pee at a pole of the bus stop. What the world has come too these days.

I Think I Have Mentioned Before.
My Persona Varies From People To People.
So Try Not To Guess What Type Of Person I Am.
Or Guess It From My Blog.
If You Can't Decode It Don't Assume.
Being Frank And Having Simple-Mindedness Has Its Pros And Cons.
But It's Just A Con Here.
I Can Prove Wrong In Many Aspects.
But Like Few, I Don't Bother.

And Keep Things In A Circle.
What Happened To, Only In This Circle Of People?
Weak-Willed, Break A Promise, Cover It Up.
In Some Cases, Please Do Not Say It In Front Of Others.
Its Not Funny When People Start Implying Lies Into The Truth.

No Limitations

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