About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Can 1 Be Stuck In A Perpetual Cycle Of An Identity Crisis?

Friends Are Mt Life, But What Are Friends When You Can't Meet Them?
Hang Out With Them?

Nothing Is Ever Right, And Nothing Is Never Wrong.

I Need Music.

I'm Bored.

So I'm back from Australia, and now I'm bored.
Seems like life isn't much with Facebook, Computer Games and... I think that is about all. I need to get out of the house, travel, with my friends and family.
So It was a week since I blogged, and there was so much I did in Australia. So I'll just cover the exciting parts briefly.
I've Seen A Group Of Japanese Female Teen Students At Changi Airport, And I'm Still A Guy.
Air-plane Trip!
Helicopter Trip!
Ski-lift Trip!
Snow At The Top Of The Mountain!
A Day Of Photography!
A Day To Slack!
Asian Food.
And Girls.
Since Melbourne is a Cosmopolitan State, having a few Universities there, everyone comes from different races, all over the world. Japanese, Chinese, Indian, African, Brazilian, American, Australian and... Well, I think I only know these few, or saw this few. So ya, there are many different type of girls there. What? I'm still a guy. At least its many type of fish, not just 1 type, 'there is still many fishes in the sea' of different types in Melbourne, but its not like I'm looking(Looking For I Mean), just saying. I want to be the bait instead of the fish, if that's possible. Well, there is something else that happened in the Airport in Melbourne, but I'll prefer to tell that in private.

Anyway, it was a fun week, and I'm going to school soon, finally.

It's Do Or Die.
And If I Do.
I Got A Chance Of Dying Too.

I Miss Everyone.
I Don't Think I Want Holidays.

Friendship Needed

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