About Me

Last day of Pieces, the start of Aries (20th March 1993). Enjoys life as well as think about it. Contemplates on many things, and never always fixed to a single answer, as anything can happen. Humble, weird and funny, but underneath is intelligences and experience, yet he strives for more. Never liked losing friends, but understands that impermanence is present. Hotmail:glen-titinyqwerz@hotmail.com

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm Here In School Early.
So Deciding To Blog.
What A Waste Of Time.

It Alluring Sometimes.
Really, Really Alluring.
But Somehow, It Reaches A Certain Point Where There Is A Glass Barrier Between.
And Even Though It's Glass.
Which You Expect It To Break Easily.
This Glass Seems Like A Transparent, Super Reinforced Titanium Alloy.
Which Can't Break With Diamond.
Can't Melt At 10000 Degrees Celsius.
And Nothing Can Corrode It.
How The Hell Do You Get Pass That?
Walk Around It?
OK, I Really Need To Think This Through.

Life Has Its Beginnings, If It Does Not Start Out The Way You Want It, Make It The Way You Want It

The Recap From Yesterday.
So, nothing special about yesterday, as usual. Seems like every Monday, nothing exciting happens. Thermodynamics is starting to be troublesome, literally. OK, the first few parts was the stuff I learned before, force, pressure etc. And when something called 'systems' comes in, Hallelujah to that. Its screwing with my own systems. Just need to be more focus in class... So it was lunch and we head to SIM food court to, well, eat. One side was in silence, the other was about football, and one side was on Bio-related industries and Biomolecular homework. What did you know, I was kinda in the middle. Anyway, after lunch, IPC lessons. Now I understand why the electronic configuration we learn in secondary school was of no use... Barely getting the hang of that. Straight after was Biomolecular Practical. And I really felt that I sucked so much during the practical... I'll do better the next time, as I always say. So after that?
Went to buy some sweets, went home, dinner, bathed, edited the Thermodynamics report and made it into a Social Studies Essay. I think that's all about it.

Wonder If I Brought My IPC Tutorial Notes...
*Checks Bag*
Ahha... Its Not There...

Go To Go And Buy A Cake Now.
I Think.

Monday Blues(It Feels Reused)

Queer Lectures

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